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Allow your Student Creed to Guide You

By:  Mr. Joel Farran In our new series of essays, "Ways to Follow Your Creed", we offer this entry from Mr. Joel, a Black Belt Candidate, who has advanced steadily in skill over the past six months through his consistent…

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Adult & Teens Promotion Test

Which Martial Art is the Hardest to Learn?

Nonviolence is the essence of martial arts. Martial artists train in any of the various disciplines with the aim to not have to use their defensive skills. Despite this commonality, one specific discipline within the martial arts is considered to…

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Martial Artist’s Guide to Success

Previously Published, our “Samurai’s Guide to Success in Battle” Survive Make a Plan for the Long Journey Nurture and fortify your Health: stay alert to this. Be Patient: The Character InNay depicts laying quietly beneath the sword blade -  on…

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Own your Martial Arts Practice!

Hi everybody! How’s everyone doing?  We want to hear from you.  We are confident you are putting your Martial Artist' Mind in charge.  You are all Tigers!  Sr.GrandMaster Yu and I, Master Enloe and Master Segreti are thinking about you. …

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Daily Martial Arts Practice Schedule

Your daily assignment and practice schedule from Sr. GrandMaster Yu:  Students and Friends, we are confident you have adjusted to the new schedule of distancing and creative self-study through your usual firm purpose and martial artist's mind.  We do miss…

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Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts Instructors

Living our Creed – Schedule Update

Dear Martial Arts Family, In our effort to stay present to our collective well-being, and in compliance with state and village directives, effective immediately, all group classes and lessons are cancelled, including our Spring Promotion Ceremony scheduled for Friday, March 20th.…

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5 Easy Martial Arts Disciplines (2023)

Reaping the benefits of studying the martial arts requires a significant investment of time, energy and discipline. Regular practice of techniques is a requisite to gaining mastery in any form of the martial arts disciplines. Similar to learning other hobbies,…

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Thanksgiving Break

  Happy Thanksgiving to our Entire Martial Arts Family near and far!  We are continuously thankful for the chance to share and enjoy the benefits of these beautiful martial arts with you.  Thank you for being a part of our…

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