What Does it Mean to BE the BEST of the Best?
Updated on February 19th, 2025 at 03:19 am
What does it Really Mean to “Be the BEST of the Best”?
This essay question brought us many responses, all tied together with a common theme of commitment, dedication, and personal persistence.
To be chosen as a featured essay, our editors had 2 basic requirements: they had to be able to READ your essay (remember, our essays are all handwritten!), and, since we are obligated to give credit to the writer, your essay had to have your name on it. There were so many excellent responses – we present here a few that inspired us, hoping they will do the same for you. Enjoy!
“I believe that it takes 3 qualities to be the best of the best. The 1st is DISCIPLINE. By Discipline, I mean focusing on yourself. Dedicating yourself to whatever you have chosen to pursue in your life. The next quality is not only being a student, but being a teacher. To be the best of the best, you must push yourself to the point of perfection. Even though true perfection is impossible, you must continue to strive to become better. The way that this is relevant to also being a teacher is because once you become GREAT yourself, you must help others that are struggling or could use your assistance. The 3rd quality that is necessary for being the best of the best is competition. However, I don’t mean competing with others: I mean competing with yourself and striving to be better than the day before. Competing with yourself is also the best and most accurate way to track your progress. This is what I think it means to Be the BEST of the Best.”
— Jr. Instructor Adrien S., 14
“To be the best of the best is to train your mind. By training your mind, you’re able to control your thoughts, and ultimately be able to focus.
To be the best of the best is to train your body. By training your body, you can turn focus into seemingly unthinkable feats (eg, breaking a board).
Finally, to be the best of the best, you must be filled with determination. If you give up, you’ll never be the best.
If my time as a white belt (3+ months) has taught me anything, it’s that by being strong-willed and focused, you can achieve great things. To be the best of the best, you have to go beyond comparing yourself with others. Life is an endless race against yourself.” — Rehan C, 10
“What it really means to be the best of the best is to work hard, help others, be respectful and responsible. And to keep trying to improve. For example, even if you are or think you are the best, there is always room for improvement. To work hard does not just mean being the best or trying your hardest. It also means to practice and not just at the dojhang but also at home.
Another aspect of being the best of the best is never giving up. For example, if you are getting something wrong, you should practice extra so you can get it right. Follow your creed, and then you will achieve it!” –1st Dan BlackBelt Adrien K-G, 11
“Really being the best of the best means trying even though you might think it is too hard. It means not giving up and truly putting forth your best effort. It’s achieving something, especially when it is difficult. To be the best of the best requires planning ahead. It can also mean being patient for things that are yet to come.” – Joseph M, 11 – Red Stripe Belt
“In our society, the phrase ‘being the best’ often evokes images of unparalleled talent, extraordinary achievements, and positive recognition by peers and society. Yet, when examined beyond the superficial layer, this concept transcends mere accomplishments and accolades. Being the best of the best means embodying qualities that inspire and uplift others. At it’s core, being the best of the best requires a commitment to mastery. This stems from a relentless dedication and genuine passion. These are the people who, even on their off day, refuse to be slackers. Because showing up for yourself is the key to building progress. And being the best doesn’t really mean being perfect, in my opinion. It means knowing that every day you can strive to be a little bit better. In Martial Arts, your own biggest opponent is yourself. Everyone can train hard, build endurance, and become more flexible. But when it comes to the belt tests, for example, your own doubts and nervousness become your biggest challenge. And so, being the best of the best means fearlessly going after what you want, because failure is just a stepping stone to greater heights. This is important in Martial Arts, but also your entire life. Let’s keep pushing ourselves, not to be the best of the REST but to be the best of the BEST!” – Future 4th Dan Josie K, 18
“What does is really mean to be the Best of the Best? First you must choose to be among the best. Whether that is who you choose to spend time with or what communities you are a part of, the intention to be among people with kind hearts, strong minds and bodies, and just intentions will only help you be a better person. Once you are among the best, you must challenge others and yourselves to be better in every moment. Be your best self and aspire to inspire others to be their best selves, in example and in your interactions. My choice to be a part of this Dojhang puts me in the circle of a strong tradition with vital teachings – there is NO better. Now it is my duty to be better every day. I owe it to myself, and I owe it to you.” – BuSabomNim Mr. Joel, 50
“Being the Best of the Best means being better than the best people at something. No matter what you strive to be the best of the best at, I believe that it comes down to two major things: 1) being dedicated to what you’re doing, 2) helping others improve at it as well. Dedication is crucial if you want to be the best of something. Without it, you will not go far. With dedication, it will drastically improve your abilities. Only those with the most dedication have a chance of being the best of the best. Another important part is teaching others. Being the best not only means you yourself being the best, but that you are also helping others improve.” – BusabomNim Matty K., 15
“The Best of the Best is someone who we’re constantly trying to be. We hear the phrase all the time, “do your best”. And yes, this means to try your hardest, and give all that you can. But there is so much you have to accomplish before being called the best. Years of practice, dedication, and continuous learning. The strength to keep going on, to stay consistent, to never give up, to overcome obstacles and to master skills in the absolute hightest quality and excellence, and use that to lead and inspire one another. Lastly, it’s to be recognized and create a lasting impact: this is what it means to be the best of the best.” — Jr Instructor Tara S., 15
“To me, the best of the best lies within. There is a quote that sums it up beautifully: ‘The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.’ – Pablo Picasso
I believe the best of the best looks and feels different for all of us. For me, it means living authentically, without fear. It means knowing I’ve given my all to whatever life throws my way, facing the ups and downs with strength of mind and body and with love in my heart. I may not have the best back kick in class, the highest front kick or even strongest jab – but what I do have is a positive, joyful attitude and the will to keep getting better. That’s my verson of the best of the best and that’s the gift I strive to give every day.” – Ms.Kendra, Orange Belt, NinjaMom, 40+
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