Own your Martial Arts Practice!
Hi everybody! How’s everyone doing? We want to hear from you. We are confident you are putting your Martial Artist’ Mind in charge. You are all Tigers! Sr.GrandMaster Yu and I, Master Enloe and Master Segreti are thinking about you. We miss teaching you and seeing you learn and grow in person! We are all in this together.
One thing we do know is that Every Day, in Every Way, we can all get Better and Better. Each Moment we have a chance to IMPROVE! Let’s get busy!
Tips for Martial Arts at Home
I hope everybody saw the daily practice schedule we posted yesterday. Those ideas will definitely give you an edge on keeping your skills sharp and your mind and body healthy. Here are a few other ideas for you to lead your own class at home – Own it!
- If you have a sibling who’s also a martial artist, take turns with them running your class at home. Ask your parents to help you clear a safe space, and then get started. Don’t forget to set up your flags (you can draw your own!), suit up in your dobok; remember to Bow to the Flags and Bow to eachother. Even if your brother or sister are not yet martial artists, why not get them to play along with you?! Earn some plus points by getting your parents involved, too.
- After Bowing, start with our warm up stretch (10 min max!)
- Basic Stances, punching, blocking: high block, inward middle block, outward block, palm sweeping block, palm circle block. Remember to SQUEEZE the fingers!
- Don’t forget to count loudly, and then do your pushups! (try to do at least 15!) I know you remember your Korean counting
- Next it’s time to practice your One-Step and Self-Defense combo techniques. Stay focused on what you know, and we will be here to guide you when we all get back to class. For now, honor all the hard work you’ve done so far, and preserve your skills.
- Your choice: How about some duckwalking or kicking? We don’t recommend jumping unless you have a mat like we do at the dojhang. Focus on your basic kicks, and then the jumping ones will be there for you later. Remember: Patience is the Mother of Progress
- If you’ve started learning forms, focus on your 1st and last form.
- Stances: Have a Stance Contest! See how long you can keep your good form in all your stances: horseriding, front stance, back stance. As a guide: 1 min = good; 2-3 min = very good; 4 min = Excellent; 5 min = AWESOME!! This is another great one to do with your parents 😉
- Keep a water bottle close by, and don’t even think about disturbing your class with anything else that’s going on at home (this is the hardest part!) We need to make it real, you know?!
- Lineup, say your student creed, teach your creed, follow your creed. Bow to eachother; Bow to the Flags.
Be Creative! Design your own class! Post and send photos of your at-home practice. Remember, we depend on you to be strong and healthy. Take Care of Eachother, and Follow Your Creed.
Master Wilson
Gift Cards and Google Reviews
P.S. Gift Certificates available! Getting the forms ready, but for now email MasterWilson@Master-SH-Yu.com. We appreciate your support of the Dojhang. We will get through this TOGETHER.
Parents: Please POST a review for us! This keeps our online presence active and relevant! Everything helps.