Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts Honored as Finalist in OPRF Chamber of Commerce Local Legend 2019
On October 15th, Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts was excited to be awarded a finalist in the 2019 Oak Park – River Forest Chamber of Commerce Local Legend 2019 Spotlight Awards! Thanks to all of your votes, this is the 2nd year in a row we have made this accomplishment, and we couldn’t have done it without you!
This year’s winner was The Day Nursery, a local daycare whose mission is to provide quality early childhood education in a welcoming environment that enhances individual, academic, physical, emotional, and social strengths in each environment. We are very happy for them and to have such good company with the organizations who share our commitment to the growth and development of the community.
We would also like congratulate all the winners and to the Chamber of Commerce for another amazing opportunity to have worked for a spotlight award.
What are the Spotlight Awards?
The Spotlight Awards were created to recognize and celebrate local businesses’ involvement and leadership in the community. There are 6 categories in which businesses are able to register for the award and they are open to all businesses located in Oak Park, River Forest, and the surrounding areas.
The winners of each award will receive one-year free membership to the OPRF chamber, laudatory press, and complimentary marketing. Each year in October, hundreds of community and Chamber members attend the Business Spotlight Awards Ceremony and Cocktail Party at the elegant Nineteenth Century Club in Oak Park.
What is the Local Legend Award?
The Local Legend award is the award presented to the business that best captures the heart of its community and possesses the ultimate generational staying power. It is the business that has become intertwined with the scenery and involved in how we see ourselves. It’s best thought of as a Lifetime Achievement Award for a local business that has a permanent fixture and deserves the recognition.
How Are the Finalists and Winners Determined?
There are multiple factors that determine the finalists and winners, including a 12+ person volunteer judging panel that scores nominee acceptances across a weighted rating scale. This will measure content, quantity of nominations, quality, and nominee acceptance response (most important), to determine 10 finalists in each of the 6 categories.
The winners are chosen through an additional screening process that involves 4 independent judges for each category.
How Can I Help?
Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts strongly relies on the nominees and martial arts students to win the Local Legend Award. Please contact us at (708) 383-3456 or contact@master-sh-yu.com for information on how you can vote for us during the next year’s Local Legend nominations.