Lunar New Year: Lantern Festival Highlights
Updated on May 9th, 2019 at 11:27 am
Health, Happiness, Peace & Prosperity to all!
Ninja Campers let their light shine today! Kicks, of course; NinjaRelays, yes, definitely, balancing challenges, and a sunny picnic lunch on the mat. We learned about some Asian New Year’s customs, and enjoyed the book, “New Clothes for New Year’s Day” by Hyun-joo Bae. Taste tests and treats: KimPop (seaweed rice rolls) and Master Wilson’s healthy brownies. Children filled our Wish Bowl with wishes for the New Year, and created Lanterns to lift our wishes skyward, and wow, did we have some wishing! May they all come true for us all! Here are a few of them:
Wishes for the Lunar New Year
- “I wish to be good at Airborne Kicks”
- “I wish that everyone has good food and a good home.”
- “My wish is to become a BlackBelt.”
- “I want a live dragon!”
- “My wish is to have peace all over the world.”
- “My wish is for NinjaCamp to happen at least once every month.”
- “My wish is to never hear about a war and for the entire world to be completely peaceful and never have any arguments.”
Share your wishes here, and we will get busy making them all come true for the good of us all!
Contact Us
If you wish to become a true martial artist this year, contact Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts in Oak Park and River Forest at (708) 383-3456 or contact@master-sh-yu.com.