LIVE Reopening Postponed – Online Training Continues
Greetings from Sr. GrandMaster Yu, your Master Teachers, and Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts Instructors:
Reopening Postponed to December 2nd
Given the significant spike in COVID-19, we decided that we must postpone our LIVE reopening until at least Dec 2nd. We will be monitoring and adjusting as safety indicates. I know many of you are very disappointed, since, like us, you have been longing to reclaim your LIVE, in-person martial arts practice inside our beautiful Dojhang. Our facility itself is more than ready – the environment is super safe & secure: our new flooring/non-porous matting has been custom-installed and framed and designated for social-distancing by the GrandMaster himself.
We have taken no shortcuts, and attentively planned and designed every tiny detail. We have cleaning procedures in place, and have installed individual, custom-made, secure cubbies. Signups are linked on the website to monitor capacity and contacts. Registration and renewal is moving online, and everything is ready for your return – but with the virus spiking the way it is, we have to wait, at least to watch through November.
Many Thanks to Our Martial Arts Students!
Definitely, after 8 months, we want to work with you live, and of course need steady income. We are truly grateful for the families and students who have really stepped up, investing in long term training and tuition, enjoying online private lessons, participating in our Zoom Classes, and overall just staying strong with us as we stay healthy and keep our families healthy, including our entire martial arts family. Sr GrandMaster Yu, Master Wilson, Sr. Master Carr, Master Segreti and Master Enloe have stayed vigilant and are ready to go! But we all collectively need to eradicate this virus. It is ruthless, and as alert martial artists, we instinctively feel the best defense right now is avoiding the intruder.
Meanwhile, we continue with our online training schedule for registered students: Private Lessons every day, Monday through Saturday, by appointment, on Zoom, and Classes on Zoom for Children, Adults, Teens on Monday, Wednesday, Saturday. For scheduling details, please contact MasterWilson@Master-SH-Yu.com.
For Future Students
Finally, to the many future students in the community who has come by, reached out by phone and online with a strong desire to study, we are grateful for you! We look forward to welcoming you to your unbelievably rewarding martial arts practice with the most highly qualified locally trained Instructors and Internationally recognized Master Teachers, including our founder and teacher Sr. GrandMaster Yu.
As we reopen to our registered students, we will once again open our doors to our future students, who have shown great patience and endurance in waiting for the right timing. We are continuing the Legacy of True Martial Arts, and will survive through your enduring patience and commitment.