Daily Martial Arts Practice Schedule
Updated on June 22nd, 2020 at 04:28 pm
Your daily assignment and practice schedule from Sr. GrandMaster Yu: Students and Friends, we are confident you have adjusted to the new schedule of distancing and creative self-study through your usual firm purpose and martial artist’s mind. We do miss all of you! Let us remember that all of our difficulties exist to enlighten us. The difficulties teach us to be patient, courageous, and strong. Similar to our student creed, we can discover, through our martial arts practice, how to break through the difficulties. Remember our Motto: IN Nay Ryu: “Be Patient Forever, like the River.” Patience is the Mother of Victory.
Previously published after our March 2020 testing, as we closed to shelter in place and now planning our reopening, this post deserves a 2nd (or 3rd 😉 look, especially if you have been zooming with us. You will see how Sr. GrandMaster Yu has been teaching you his daily practice routine, with daily adjustments to energy, environment, and overall wellness. Remember, your interest in your practice and interaction with our posts ensures that you see them! Let’s continue to Pursue our Passion for Martial Arts Excellence.
Now, here is your Daily At-Home Basic Practice Protocol:
- Keep Stretching without fail every day – you have the martial arts stretching sequence committed to memory! Do it every day, and challenge yourself to not only maintain but increase your flexibility. Be mindful while stretching!
- 20 pushups (or more) 3x/day; increase by 1 daily.
- Basic Kicks (no jumping without proper matting please!): 5-10x/each side – increase daily bit by bit up to 15. (I think we are all up to 15 by now!)
- Stances: Time yourself! Up to 2 minutes in the AM; 3 minutes at Noon, and 4-5 minutes in the evening (Horseriding, Front and Back Stance) Your strong leg muscles will increase your circulation to keep you strong and healthy.
- Bonus: If you have a 6 ft diameter around yourself, you can review your forms, at least one per day, plus your current form. (No wheel kick or low wheel kick:stay strong!) Alternate with blocking combinations and self-defense/one-step techniques. (how about all those new combinations that GrandMaster has taught us on Zoom?!) If you are experiencing memory difficulties, send us a message or ask for review during online classes.
- Post or send us photos of your practice! We are here for you – even though we are practicing distance, we are never distant from each other. GrandMaster Yu takes his practice everywhere! #martialartsfamily #strongcommunity #improvise #creativemartialarts #learnfromalegend #wecandothis #bethebestofthebest #followyourcreed #martialartistsway #martialartistslife #grandmastershyu #mastershyu #martialartsoakpark #oakparkmartialarts #oakparkil #riverforest #northavenuedistrict #elmwoodpark
Student Essay Samples
Here are some essay samples from some of your fellow martial artists. Check out how what they think it means to be the Best of the Best!
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Questions? contact Master Wilson at 708-383-3456 or contact@master-sh-yu.com. Your success is our purpose!