Annual Fundraiser for BEYOND HUNGER
Updated on October 26th, 2023 at 01:55 pm
“Trick-or-Treat to End Hunger” launches on October 31st through November 30th, as part of our united community effort to kick-out Hunger in our community and support the health and well-being of us all.
Please join Supreme GrandMaster Yu, our Instructors, Families and Friends in this DIGITAL ONLY Food Drive to Support BEYOND HUNGER. (Monetary Donations make the biggest impact, as $1 = $9 to the food pantry in terms of purchasing power!) We love the educational, wholistic philosophy of our food pantry that really does GO BEYOND to bring good nutrition accessible to all. Many of our students are always looking for ways to show their appreciation to Supreme GrandMasterYu and our Instructors for the commitment and work that they do throughout the year. What better way than to unite for right, uphold justice, and BE THE BEST of the BEST. Together, we ALWAYS make a BIG DIFFERENCE!
You can donate here:https://fundraise.givesmart.com/e/tCZgZA?vid=114wpx