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A True Martial Artist’s Trick-or-Treat!

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

Hi Everybody! Happy Halloween! C'mon over to the Dojhang for Trick-or-Treat and get your 30-Day November Challenge!  This is a fun way for us to do something healthy and GOOD for ourselves (in-between chocolate! LOL!) - while proving HOW EASY…

Thanksgiving Holiday Break

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

Happy Thanksgiving to our Martial Arts Family, Friends and Fans!  Wishing everyone a healthy, happy holiday as we all take pause to remember the many blessings in our lives, and in our martial arts training! We are grateful to our…

Promotion Test – December 2023

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

Quarterly testing, offered every 3 months, gives you the opportunity to advance and receive your promotion on the skills you have learned, practiced and mastered throughout the quarter. Testing Schedule is: 9:30am  Children/Youth 1:00pm  Adults/Teens Your Essay question will be…

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