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AirborneKicks Mini-Camp – June 2019

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

Launch your summer training with this condensed version of our popular advanced kicking and conditioning camp.  Taught by Sr. GrandMaster Yu, students gain the necessary conditioning and technical skills to successfully execute artistic, accurate, and beautiful airborne kicks. Dive into…

Summer Holiday Break

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

Wishing everyone a safe and happy July 4th Holiday!  The Dojhang will be on break for the holiday weekend from Wednesday July 3rd through Saturday July 6th. Classes resume Monday, July 8th.  See you then! Contact Us For any questions…

NinjaCamp Kite Festival – July 2019

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

Did you know that Kites have their origin in Martial Arts?  Originally used in battle to distract and deceive the enemy, or confuse attackers into seeing astrological signs, beyond battle, and through the ages people have flown kites for competition,…

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