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Trick-or-Treat to Fight Hunger

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

Happy Halloween!  It's time to get THE BEST Halloween Treat: your own personal Invitation to participate in our 30-Day Challenge!  You MUST come to Trick-or-Treat to receive the challenge details, and please bring a non-perishable food item or monetary donation…

Thanksgiving Break

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

  Happy Thanksgiving to our Entire Martial Arts Family near and far!  We are continuously thankful for the chance to share and enjoy the benefits of these beautiful martial arts with you.  Thank you for being a part of our…

Children’s Promotion Test

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

Back-to-School, Outstanding October, Caring for Community, and our November Challenge:  it's been an awesome Fall Season here at Sr. GrandMaster S.H. Yu Martial Arts!  We have been so impressed with the dedication of our families and children in committing to…

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