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Columbus Day Artistic Weaponry Camp

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

Enjoy your day off refreshing and increasing your artistic weaponry skills, for students blue belt+; learn the twin sticks and nunchauka, and awaken your nascent warrior while learning real, useful, artistic skills!

Columbus Day Airborne Kicks

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

Kicking, Conditioning and Airborne BootCamp with GrandMaster Yu.  Refresh your skills, and awaken your airborne conditioning!  This is a fantastic all-around intermediate to advanced martial arts conditioning camp for registered students of all ages, BlueBelt+.  You will be so proud…

Halloween: Trick or Treat!

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

No classes today, but definitely plan to do some Trick-or-Treat at the dojhang! We will launch our 30-Day Halloween/Novemeber Challenge again! Must Trick or Treat to get and sign-up for the Challenge.  Prizes awarded to all who fully participate in…

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