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Thanksgiving Holiday Break

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

Everyday, we are grateful for the chance to teach all of you and to call you "Family",  sharing our life of learning and our martial arts journey together. We wish you all a Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving.  The Dojhang will take…

Quarterly Promotion Test – December 2022

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

It's time once again to step forward to show your improvement and advancement over the past quarter: it's Test Day!  We have really been impressed with everyone's commitment, determination, and true martial artist's spirit.  You show up regularly, wear the…

Martial Arts Belt Promotion Ceremony – December 2022

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

Respectful of your test and hard work, and mindful of our student's holiday schedules and family responsibilities, we are proud to invite you to come forward to receive your promotion today during all classes.  Please bring your essay to present…

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