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Airborne Kicks Camp

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

We are happy to bring back this intensive kicking workshop for registered students of all ages, blue belt and above taught by Sr. GrandMaster Yu and guided by your awesome Master Instructors.  Students enjoy learning the technical aspects and artistic…

AirborneKicks Camp – Columbus Day/IPD 2021

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

Holidays give us the chance to deviate from our regular schedule to offer you Specialty Training Camps! If you're a registered student, BlueBelt and above, you're eligible to register for our AirborneKicks training on Columbus Day / Indigenous Peoples Day!…

Artistic Weaponry Camp – Winter 2021

Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts

About Artistic Weaponry Camp Accessible to registered students blue belt and above who are looking to expand their martial arts repertoire with beautiful, effective, artistic movement using the TwinSticks and Nunchauka. All forms and choreographed sequences are original, developed and…

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