Martial Arts Essay Question – March 2024
The origin of martial arts essays dates from the time of the 3 Kingdoms, when warriors, who were testing and preparing to be officers, had to be prepared for written tests. Questions on the strategic physical and mental aspects of training to defend and protect the kingdom, along with historical writings from ancient scholars, were administered by officials at random. While we do not follow this same practice, Supreme GrandMaster Yu, our founder and teacher, has always believed in the benefits of self-reflection, presentation, and sharing of ideas, for the privilege of advancement, and the enrichment of all the practitioners of all ages.
To that end, we present our Spring 2024 Essay Questions for your reflection and presentation:
Children’s Essay Question: How can I continue to maintain and upgrade my skills?
Adult Essay Question: How can I continue to maintain and upgrade my life using the skills, knowledge and positive habits I have learned and nurtured?
Use our essay presentation guidelines to prepare your essay (maximum 2 paragraphs; prefer handwritten; young children, and actually everyone, can draw a picture as a response to the question; name/rank/date must be on your essay)
Bring your essay to our Promotion Ceremony on Friday, March 22nd – Prepare, Present, and Promote! (if you’re not able to be with us for the ceremony, we will have your certificate and belt ready for you when you next come for class after 3.22)
Essay Examples
Featured Essays: How to Conquer Yourself
What is Promotion? Essay Response from a Martial Arts Student
Essays: The Best ways to Improve Myself through Martial Arts Study