EssayQuestion: Spring 2016 Promotion
Updated on January 7th, 2020 at 08:05 am
To all the Children who took their skills test on Saturday, March 5th, Congratulations! We were impressed with your progress: You all continue to grow in poise, skill, posture, and purpose!
Adults and Teens continue their preparation this week, and we are looking forward to an equally successful performance on your test, Saturday, March 12 at 12Noon.
Thank you to everyone who submitted essay questions during this term. We received many excellent suggestions: a few of them will appear for a future challenge. Your questions for this promotion come directly from Sr. GrandMaster Yu:
Children: “Why do your parents bring you to the Dojhang?”
Adult/Teen: “How can you upgrade your life from where you are?”
Remember, check with the Essay Preparation guidelines link found on the right column. Please bring your prepared essay to the Belt Ceremony on Friday, March 18th to present during the ceremony. We remain, at your service, and honored to be your teachers and guide as you move ahead in your successful martial arts practice!
Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts Oak Park River Forest
Your HOME for Martial Arts Excellence!