Essay Question – September 2016
Updated on December 22nd, 2021 at 02:31 pm
Congratulations to all the children who came forward successfully to test on Saturday, September 10th for your Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts Oak Park promotion test! We were so impressed with all of you! You all gave it your best, and we are set to increase our skills through the fall season. Teen/Adult Students test is on Saturday, September 17th at 12N.
Here are the essay questions for everyone – please prepare according to the essay preparation guidelines (see right column on the site). If you are a teenager, but took the test with the children, please answer the question put forth for the teen/adult students.
Children’s Essay Question
Children: A repeat question from a past test, which brought out some great responses: “How Can I make my parents Happy? How can I be a Loyal Child of my Parents?”
Adult and Teen Essay Question
Teen & Adult Students: “What is the meaning of promotion, and why are we taking a promotion test?”
Please prepare your essay according to the essay preparation guidelines for presentation at your promotion ceremony on Friday, September 23rd, 5pm for children; 6:30pm for teens/adults.
Have fun thinking about and preparing your essays! Remember, drawings are always encouraged and appreciated!!