Essay Question – June 2024
Congratulations on completion of the physical skills required for your test – here’s your essay question – we hope it gives you a chance to reflect on your practice and why you pursue these beautiful martial arts skills.
Please prepare your essay using our essay preparation guidelines to help, if needed.
Children can use words and drawings to convey their response to the essay question (actually, anyone can submit a drawing!) Bring your essay to present at our promotion ceremony on Friday, June 7th, children 5pm; adults & teens at 6:30pm (no regular classes on ceremony day).
Adult/Teen Essay Question: Choose one:
- What is the difference between martial arts study and sports training?
- What is the requirement in order to study martial art?
Children’s Essay Question:
What is required in order to make progress and upgrade myself?
Have a great time preparing your essay. Any questions or concerns: MasterWilson@Master-SH-Yu.com
Essay Examples
Featured Essays: How to Conquer Yourself
What is Promotion? Essay Response from a Martial Arts Student
Essays: The Best ways to Improve Myself through Martial Arts Study