Essay Question: June 2023 Promotion Test
Updated on June 22nd, 2023 at 06:20 pm
Congratulations to all of our students who stepped forward for promotion this quarter! We are so PROUD of your achievements – your dedication and hard work are delivering your excellence!
As a tribute to our Student Creed, the foundation which can be found through thousands of years of martial arts history, we present our June 2023 Essay Question for your enrichment and reflection.
Please review our “Essay preparation Guidelines” elsewhere on the site, as we prefer no more than 2 paragraphs – children who are not yet able to write can certainly dictate to parents or siblings, who can kindly transcribe, or draw pictures to express their reflection.
Your essay question is due at our Promotion Ceremony, Friday June 23rd, during all classes. Questions/Comments/Suggestions please let us hear from you! MasterWilson@Master-SH-Yu.com
Here you go:
“Write out your Student Creed. Choose one of the tenets/items that has the most meaning for you now, in your life and in your martial arts journey. Describe why you chose this and how it can inspire you!”
Have FUN with your essay! Enjoy thinking about it, writing it out, and making it YOURS! We know you WILL Inspire us!
Essay Examples
Featured Essays: How to Conquer Yourself
What is Promotion? Essay Response from a Martial Arts Student
Essays: The Best ways to Improve Myself through Martial Arts Study