Essay Question – June 2022 Test
Hello! Congratulations to our students of every age who stepped forward for testing this quarter! What an awesome way to WELCOME SUMMER! Study, Test, Write your Essay, Get Promoted, receive your NEW BELT, and REPEAT 🙂
Here are your essay preparation guidelines. You don’t have to use our handy form designed by one of the parents, but you can if you want. I will state the obvious here for many of you, but just to be clear of the expectations: All essays must be presented in a smooth, highly respectable way (ie, don’t scrunch the paper if you’re handing it in in person! otherwise, these days during COVID, we are accepting essays via email), please include your NAME, the Date, and your current rank on the top of the page. We do LOVE handwritten essays (yes, we will get back to promotion ceremonies one day!), but you may type if necessary. (handwriting is a lost art: we are here to bring it back full force!)
Essay question for your June 2022 Test: “Why do we Write an Essay as part of our Promotion Test?”
If you are a long-term martial artist/student, you have probably written about this topic previously, but we wonder if you have any upgraded ideas? This is the question proposed by Supreme GrandMaster Yu himself!
Have FUN with your essay! (You can submit a drawing with your essay if you wish….we love artistic expressions!)
Your belt and certificate will be ready for you on June 17th, so please do turn in your essay by that date. Sorry, unless previously excused, we do require the essay prior to receiving the belt (it’s part of the TEST!!!!!)
Essay Examples
Featured Essays: How to Conquer Yourself
What is Promotion? Essay Response from a Martial Arts Student