Inspiration: Adult Promotion Essay
Updated on May 9th, 2019 at 10:56 am
Every quarter, usually at the transition of the seasons, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, we host our promotion ceremony. This is a joyful occasion, when students come forward to receive their promotion to their next belt (rank), after having prepared and successfully completed their test. As part of the ceremony, students prepare a short essay, reflecting on some aspect of their martial arts training.
It is now, with great pride, that we share an inspiring essay, written by a student in our adult karate and martial arts program. We love this – perhaps reading Miss Kimberly’s words will guide you to your own truth in your practice:
If you could describe what studying martial arts has taught you, using one word, what would that one word be?
I believe that which can be done, or in some cases undone by the truth, should be.
Truth has both the power to destroy and the power to build.
That is why the word I would choose is truth.
In my short time training I have learned the truth. As I continue to push myself further and further, I have learned more and more about the truth of who I really am.
Depending on the circumstance there is some ugliness in truth, and the truth is, sometimes, I lack focus, I make excuses, I get tired, I give up, give in and sometimes give out to negative thoughts, procrastination, doubts and stress.
I am often impatient with myself and sometimes I overthink way too much. Although it may be a tough pill to swallow learning martial arts has revealed these subtle ugly truths to me. Just as these unpleasant truths were revealed to me through my martial arts training I take comfort in knowing that through continued practice, martial arts will help me to rid myself of them.
In contrast to the ugly truth, there is also hidden beauty in truth.
I like to think that we all have a higher inner truth lying dormant inside of us. It is there waiting to be recognized.
My word is truth because martial arts has taught me and awakened a sleeping beautiful truth within me that I was totally unaware of.
That truth is: I am strong, I am powerful, and I am capable: Capable of challenging myself in ways I never would have imagined.
Kimberly Jones
Blue Stripe Belt Ceremony – March 21, 2014
Contact Us
For questions regarding the promotion test for adults, contact Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts directly at (708) 383-3456 or contact@master-sh-yu.com