Meet our Challenge Champions!
We had a lot of fun with our November 30-Day Challenge this year, and we have two outstanding champions to present:
November 30-Day Challenge Champions
- Alex D, age 9, – Overall Champion – We now call her, “No-excuses Alex”, because, well, she really does embrace all of her challenges (with a big SMILE!), and literally takes “No-excuses”! Alex was our overall champion for this reason, and because she kept a detailed, almost daily journal throughout the month, she recorded her results, AND, best of all, she recruited the ENTIRE FAMILY to do the challenge right along with her! How awesome! True Family Unity and Inspiration. Here’s what she had to say: “When you accept and work hard on a challenge, you feel like you can do anything! When someone gives us a hard goal, and we are used to working hard, we have confidence in ourselves and understand that giving up is not the key to accomplish our goals: Never Give Up! Also, when you try hard and don’t achieve your goal, you still learn an important lesson that helps you in your next goal. You can remember your past success and it will inspire you to try again.”
- Jr. Assistant Instructor Abigail, age 11, is our very Close Runner-up – or, as we have nicknamed her, “Get-it-Done Abigail”! Spending over half of her life training at the dojhang has definitely instilled persistence, determination and purpose in her bright and inspiring presence. She “gets it DONE!!”, also with a SMILE and lots of encouragement for her friends, classmate and young sister. ANOTHER AWESOME one! We asked her “Why should we make the effort to challenge ourselves?”. Here’s what she said: “Because if we don’t we cannot be The Best of the Best. I like to challenge myself so I can be a great martial artist and succeed in what I do. I don’t even care if I go to bed with sore muscles: I know I challenged myself to do my very BEST!”
Well, in the spirit of the season, why not try a new challenge…..
12 Kicks of Christmas
How about the 12 Kicks of Christmas in 12 Days?
- Stretch Kick – x10
- Inside Stretch Kick – x10
- Outside Stretch Kick – x10
- Inside Crescent Kick – x10
- Outside Crescent Kick – x10
- Front Kick – x10
- RoundHouse Kick – x10
- RoundHouse Kick – double snap – x10
- Sliding SideKick – x10
- Sliding Axe Kick – x10
- Back Kick – x10
- Sliding Hook Kick/Roundhouse Kick – x10
1,440 Kicks!
Look at You: You just did 120 Kicks x 12 Days!!!! That’s 1,440 Kicks!!!! If you’re looking for more challenge, check out our companion posts: 30-day challenge isn’t just for November, and your at home practice can sequence right along with the GrandMaster.