Father’s Day: Our Legacy of Excellence
Updated on June 21st, 2021 at 10:20 am
Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts is proud of our Legacy of Excellence! As we pay tribute to our fathers, and those who have been and are like fathers to us, we remember the great Martial Artists who have led us to where we are today.
Honoring the Fathers in Martial Arts
We honor the memory of the Late Supreme GrandMaster Byung Jick Ro, who was Sr. GrandMaster Yu’s teacher, and, in addition to being the founding father of Modern Tae Kwon Do, studied Karate under the great Sensei Funakoshi (1868-1957), founder of Shotokan Karate-do. We honor the memory of Sr. GrandMaster Yu’s Hapkido teacher, the Late Supreme GrandMaster Jae-Nam Myong, all of whom have influenced Sr. GrandMaster Yu’s incredible career as a martial artist and contribute to the original curriculum and sequencing that we learn today. You can read more about GrandMaster Yu’s credentials and legacy here, and understand the training which has shaped the lessons that we learn here and now!
Thank you to all the Fathers who help us to understand the greatness and capabilities that lie within us!