The Benefits of Martial Arts for Families
Moms and Dads are increasingly joining martial arts classes with their sons and daughters for the innumerable benefits to the family unit. Participating in martial arts as a family offers a myriad of advantages:
1. Sparks Interest
Working out alone at the gym can be a lonesome experience. Adults, however, who participate in martial arts classes with a spouse and/or their kids find the activities far more engaging. Interest is sparked as adults learn martial arts disciplines alongside their children such as karate, judo or ancient weapons training.
The shared excitement hardly stops in the martial arts classes. Rather, the thrill is amplified for the whole family when they participate in annual tournaments, camps and competitions. Families can be in different classes as they work toward competition but experience the same exhilaration of learning the martial arts.
2. Forms Bonds
The emotional bonds between family members are strengthened when they train in the martial arts together. Comparisons can be made to eating dinner as a family at home. Martial arts classes are just as effective in helping to forge healthy relationships between family members.
Families absorb the same material during martial arts classes where parents kick and throw punches with their kids. Bonding through joint activities is far more meaningful and impressive than when parents discuss video games or ask random questions about their children’s schoolwork.
As unbreakable bonds develop while the entire family participates in martial arts classes, lifelong memories for each family member are also simultaneously created. Once the children reach adulthood, they will have fond memories to look back upon about the shared time spent with their parents.
These unshakable memories are forged as Mom or Dad helps a son or daughter develop his or her full potential while fulfilling the rigorous yet gratifying demands of studying the martial arts. Parents focus on training for blackbelts alongside their children, which is an unforgettable, positive experience.
3. Improves Performance
An undeniable advantage of family time while training in the martial arts is that the wholesome benefits extend beyond the classes. Young children perform better at school as a result of discovering the importance of learning. They also become skilled in team-oriented projects.
Just as kids learn about teamwork and improve their confidence through martial arts classes, parents acquire positive interpersonal skills. Practicing healthy interactions with the family is essential to applying them to relationships outside of the family unit. Teamwork is built in martial arts classes.
Additional performance-related achievements that result from participating in martial arts classes include improved focus and concentration in both adults and children. Young students also learn to respect authority figures, like their parents, which is among the many beneficial outcomes of martial arts training.
Martial arts classes significantly enhance physical fitness for both kids and their parents. Obesity rates are high. Participating in physical activities through the martial arts helps reduce the chances of adults and their children succumbing to physical or mental health challenges.
A unique feature of the martial arts is that students train any day of the year. Unlike some activities, martial arts training is a year-round activity. When families learn the martial arts together, they continue all year long and for several years, while enjoying the physical and mental benefits.
4. Relieves Stress
It is not surprising that adults experience stresses that result from work-related situations, for instance. But children, too, feel fear and frustration, such as at school. Practicing self-defense after work and after school is a major stress buster for both parents and their children.
By pursuing vigorous exercises in martial arts classes, parents and their kids learn to appropriately handle their work- or school-related frustrations and stresses together. Emotions are practiced and dealt with in the safe environment of martial arts training centers. Students grow mentally.
As a result of practicing emotions, like anger, fear and anxiety, in the constructive space of a martial arts school, students are less likely to have behavioral problems. As martial arts trainees stretch their limbs, they also stretch their mental capacities—leading to a more richly rewarding life.
5. Helps Set Goals
When families train together in the martial arts, the situation becomes automatically supportive. Just as parents motivate their children, the reverse occurs just as often. Goals, like advancing to the next rank, are set. The whole family motivates each other to reach their desired goals.
Practicing martial arts also occurs at home when classes are not in session. At home, Mom or Dad have ample opportunity to encourage their kids to excel and vice versa. The shared classes help each family member understand the challenges involved and take the steps necessary to overcome them.
6. Builds Self-defense Techniques
Just as learning self-defense techniques is beneficial for adults, these same techniques are useful for school-age kids. Being aware of one’ surroundings and avoiding trouble are two critical aspects of martial arts programs—which are useful strategies to families who learn to stay safe together.
The martial arts is an exciting discipline to be a part of. When you and your child want to take a leap into starting or continuing family martial arts classes, Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts has the ideal program to suit the young and old alike. We train in a wide range of disciplines, from Tae Kwon Do to Karate to Kung Fu.
Children, teens and their parents are given martial arts training by internationally-certified instructors. Families become lifelong learners when they participate in classes geared toward improving their students’ minds and bodies. After each class, students go home with renewed focus and rejuvenation.
Contact Us
Families in Oak Park, Illinois, are encouraged to sign up with Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts. Our helpful instructors will answer any questions about our training and offer guidance on your family’s journey toward excelling and achieving your personal best through martial arts classes.
Give us a call at (708) 383-3456 or email us at contact@master-sh-yu.com.