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How Martial Arts Classes Help With Child Development

How Martial Arts Classes Help with Child Development

Learning martial arts boosts a child’s development in several key ways. Young students experience increased physical, intellectual, emotional, and social benefits as they study at a quality martial arts school. Explore how martial arts classes spur a child’s growth.

Children develop from the moment they are born and continue acquiring new skills as they grow, in each moment. Children ages 3 to 6 are particularly invested in exploring the environment around them—and martial arts classes at this time in their life are instrumental to their flourishing developmental progress!

Martial arts schools that offer classes for young children take into account age-appropriate milestones. As a result, these classes are structured to meet important milestones and help them thrive in various situations. The best instructors encourage progress rather than perfection.

Classes are geared toward the development of the young students’ social and emotional growth, language and communication skills,  cognitive stimulation, and orderly thinking. Children obviously excel physically as they learn new movements and techniques, understanding how to manage their growing bodies, from sparring to kicking, in martial arts classes.

1. Teamwork

Martial arts classes are taught in group settings; beginners are isolated and taught from the ground-up, one-on-one. Children work side by side with peers to learn karate, tae kwon do, or any other preferred discipline. They are introduced to teamwork and group work, developing patience, cooperation, and respect for others.

2. Social Development

Children’s language skills are still being developed, so non-verbal communication is the way they express themselves. Martial arts classes for children at Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts include traditional conditioning games. By participating in fun games with peers, young martial artists acquire the social skills they need to thrive.

3. Coordination

Through activities, such as running, jumping off the ground with both feet, moving side to side, and climbing, martial arts classes enhance a child’s balance and coordination. Kicking techniques on a diverse range of targets are also employed in class to strengthen overall body coordination.

4. Personal Confidence

Martial arts instructors approach classes for children differently than those for adults. Young students’ self-esteem and confidence are bolstered by instructors who avoid correction and critique in classes; instead, martial arts instructors focus on helping students learn techniques through positive reinforcement. At Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts, we start by focusing on our student’s strengths, and advance to improvement from there.

5. Independence

Children are naturally dependent on their parents or caregivers. Independence, however, is a critical part of every child’s development. During weekly martial arts classes, young students grow in independence as they engage with peers, overcome challenges, learn and eventually master new drills.

6. Social Confidence

An integral component of overall confidence is social confidence. Martial arts instructors acknowledge the need for social proof by pairing young children with older, more experienced martial arts students. While such a pairing offers social proof, it also acts as positive reinforcement.

7. Communication Skills

Children warming up for martial arts classes hold conversations with other students as well as their instructors. In order to encourage good communication skills, instructors ask open-ended questions in class. By asking leading questions, children learn to express their thoughts and emotions.


Martial Arts class panorama view with Master Yu

8. Respect

Respect for peers and instructors is developed when children participate in group martial arts classes. Instructors encourage young students to show empathy and highlight the importance of cooperating with one another—which are key to instilling a healthy sense of respect for others.

9. Safety

Teaching personal safety is a priority in classes for children. The first things we teach our students at Master S. H. Yu Martial Arts is how to hold your ground: STANCES, Blocking, Standing strong.  These lessons in safety also extend into daily life: children take safety measures, such as being aware of stranger danger, looking both ways before crossing the street, or wearing a seatbelt in the car.

10. Memory Skills

Learning martial arts sequences is a big part of boosting memory abilities in young students. They memorize techniques and build on them with each subsequent class. Over time, the children’s memorization skills improve and new moves are remembered more easily.

11. Responsibility

After each martial arts class, children are instructed to put away balls, gloves, and other equipment. By following instructions that promote neatness and cleanliness, children gain a sense of responsibility. Clean-up time also provides children with a sense of satisfaction in completing an important task.

12. Patience

Working with other martial arts students demands patience. Each child progresses at a different rate, making it essential that they show patience when working toward common goals. Plus, young students are expected to take turns in class, which is another situation where patience is developed.

13. Goal Setting

Succeeding in the martial arts, as well as any other area of life, requires resilience and patience. Students are encouraged to set goals and work toward them with the help of supportive instructors. Children learn that they can achieve their goals, whether in class or in the arena of life.

Master Yu Studio summer photo

Children who take martial arts classes feel empowered by the skills they learn. They also develop healthy friendships with peers, show consideration for rules, and feel a sense of competence. There’s no better place for children to develop in all these areas than at Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts.

Our highly rated martial arts school encourages young students to reach their full potential. Each of our experienced instructors is focused on the child’s physical and mental development. Children of all ages can enroll in kids’ karate classes at our esteemed school.

We offer year-round martial arts classes for children at the formative stage of martial arts study (beginner) as well as intermediate and advanced training. Classes are available for children as young as 5 in our school-age children’s classes; teens take classes separately.

Our state-of-the-art facility is properly equipped to promote the safety of young students during martial arts classes. The floors are lined with a 2-1/2” regulation gymnastics carpet-bonding foam. This precautionary step is essential for maximum impact absorption, safety, and hygiene, with an overlay of vinyl to allow for continued cleaning and sanitizing between every class.

At Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts, your child develops physically but is also instilled with a lifelong love of learning. Our dedicated instructors bring out the best in each student.

Visit a class at our Oak Park, Illinois, facility to witness the benefits of martial arts study. Give us a call at (708) 383-3456 or pre-register online to get started on your martial arts journey. We are ready to help you make all your martial arts dreams come true!

Call Us Now (708) 383-3456