Essay Question: June 2017
Updated on December 22nd, 2021 at 02:27 pm
Congratulations to all the children and youth who came forward for promotion test on June 3rd – we were so happy to see the growth and artistry that you have brought to your martial arts practice during this spring quarter! We are proud of each and every one of you, and looking forward to embracing new skills and achievements with you this summer. (Check out our Summer Camp Schedule)
We welcome the teens and adults to their test on Saturday, June 10th — from the looks of it, it promises to be a focused, high energy and successful day!
Essay Question
Our students are all lifelong learners with a thirst for knowledge. We thought that with the variety of talented students at Master S.H. Yu Martial Arts, it would be fun to reflect on this essay question:
“What makes your martial arts practice different from your other interests and activities?”, and additionally for our teens and adults, “What is the driving force behind your martial arts practice?”
Be sure to review the Essay Preparation Guidelines to keep your presentation succinct and aligned with the assignment. Have fun thinking about, preparing, and presenting your essay at our Promotion Ceremony on Friday, June 16th!